Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Photolicious Update

Hello Everybody,

So we have some very exciting news...TY GOT A JOB!!!! WOOT WOOT! So we guess this means that we are just further settling in to life over here in Puerto Viejo.

Since we last wrote, we had mainly just been following our usual routine, with Ju waking up early to get to work, and Ty running errands and trying to find a job.  Ju found out, unfortunately, that her boss for the restaurant she is supposed to be working at, will not be returning until mid-November or December! So that was disappointing.  There really hasn't been much to do at the hotel, so she's been doing pretty odd and ridiculous jobs, like waxing window panes, and cleaning mold off pool chairs (while being bitten by ants and mosquitos).  At least it's not poop though, right?  The nice thing about her job is that she has met quite a few locals and even attended the birthday party of the daughter of a woman who periodically works at the hotel.  Costa Rican's sure do know how to throw a birthday party.

So anyway, while Ju was cleaning away, Ty decided to write a letter and mini resume to send out to different hotels and restaurants around Puerto Viejo.  He sent it out, and within 6 or so hours, he got not 1, but 2 responses!  So Ty starts training today at a fancy Japanese restaurant here.

Ju, a little sweaty after work, with money from her first payday!  We are looking forward to taking a picture of Ty with his first wad o' cash
We have also begun to make some real improvements to our house! There is still a fair amount that we want to do, but we are very happy with the beginnings.  The Jamaican couple that we live with has been just absolutely wonderful.  In the beginning of the week, Ty decided to ask where he would be able to pick up some wood to make us a table to eat at (we'd been eating on the floor or on an extra twin bed we had in the front of our house) and a bookshelf so we would have more room to put our stuff away and take it out of our suitcases.  However, our wonderful Jamaican landlords turned the twin bed into a dresser, had an extra table that they painted for us, and made us stools so we would have something to sit on at our table!  The best part is that they built the stools so that Ju's stool is a little taller, allowing us to be the same height when we sit at the table.  It is pretty awesome :)  We still want to add some things to our house but things are pretty expensive here in Costa Rica because taxes are so high.  Just to give you an idea of how high taxes are, Ju's boss was explaining that there is a 100% tax on cars!  Also, phones that would cost $20 in the US cost about $50-$100 over here.  Fortunately, Puerto Viejo is only about an hour from the Panamanian border, and right across the border is this giant walmart-type place with super cheap, Panamanian prices.  We are thinking about heading over there next time Ju has a day off.

Here's a tour of our house:

Our porch
This is our house from the front door.  Where Ty's camera bag is hanging is where you find....
The "entrance" room, if you will.  There is the bed that has been converted into an extra dresser, but we still need to buy hangers.  
The second turn off is into the bedroom, where you can see our very necessary mosquito net hanging above our bed.  It is a surprisingly complicated process to make the net work effectively.
A shelf in our bedroom, by the foot of the bed.
Our kitchen at the end of the hallway.  Ju is doing the dishes, and to her left is the little propane stove we cook on.
Our bathroom is connected to the kitchen, separated by a curtain.  Our toilet and sink is behind the shower, but it is a pretty big bathroom.
Each on our respective stools :) 
And we are starting to figure out how to cook some local dishes:

Our take on arroz con pollo... we are actually starting to get the hang of it.  And Ju is obsessed with the glass bottle system here.  If you buy a soda in a glass bottle, and return the glass bottle next time you buy a soda, there is a reduced price.  Much better for the environment, and at least Ju enjoys how it makes the world seem a little smaller.
Pretty legit and delicious patacones.  Patacones are fried, smashed plantains that Ju learned how to make at work.
We are still loving Puerto Viejo and are looking forward to having visitors to show around.  We are also getting to know some of the locals and expats around town, so it has been really nice to be able to say hello to a couple people and have a few spots to hang out in.  Here are a couple more photos of where we live, hopefully encourage some visitors...

Check the clear water and jungle right up to the beach
Sorry this blog was full of pictures but we hope you enjoy them!  We miss you guys a lot!  We feel so blessed to be able to be here in such a beautiful place, and to have such wonderful friends and family, both here and in the United States.  We hope you have a fun and safe halloween and are looking forward to seeing the pictures of Facebook!


  1. Ty and Ju,
    Loved seeing the great pictures of your place. Sounds like you have really settled in nicely. So delighted you have found a job. Japanese restaurant in Costa Rica???? Hope training goes well. Loved talking to you today on Skype. We love you and miss you tons, Mom

  2. I found your blog! I'm so excited to live vicariously through you two! And I'm going to try to convince Jon to paint our place with the colors in this picture...

    You are awesome.

  3. Tyler and Ju,

    Holy crap, I cant believe you both have jobs and a comfortable looking house in Puerto Viejo! The place looks so nice, its amazing that you two have done so much work to it already. Now, I havent been following your blog until recently because I have been getting used to life in New York City for the past two months. However, I wanted to know if you two have signed any sort of lease? I assume you posted something about this in an earlier blog (which I will check out, time allowing) but when I see you writing "our house" and "our landlords", I gather that means you will be there for at least 6 months, if not closer to a year. How exciting!

    Congrats to Ju for making a big wad of cash, especially because from what Ive heard you studied French at Trinity (apologies if that is incorrect). Hats off to you for completely immersing yourself in the culture and grasping a hold of the language so quickly. (By the way, I think Ive only met you once or twice Julianna, but if and when you come back to NY, I live in Brooklyn so I would love someone to show me around and point out hot spots, especially a close friend of Tyler's)

    And Tyler, congrats on scoring the Japanese restaurant gig. I think its pretty funny that an America expat is working at a Japanese restaurant in Costa Rica, then again that is kind of the appeal down there. Weirdly enough, I too work at a Japanese restaurant in Chelsea so if you have any insight Ty, throw it my way and Ill be sure to do the same. Y finalmente, its so impressive that you can speak completely fluently with the locals Ty, way to go man.

    Im so happy for both of you and it sounds like you are having the experience of a lifetime. Let me know how long you are planning on being down there, and I would love to try and fine a time to join your list of visitors. Much love,


  4. Guys!

    Thanks so much for posting this update and all the pictures! Keep them coming. It looks like an absolute blast. Congrats on your successes!!



  5. Love the place, love the photos (especially of the FOOD!), love how tan you both look. Congrats on all the success!

    Besos, Em

  6. CONGRATS guys! That is fantastic that you both have jobs and are getting settled in to your own place! Seriously though. That rocks the planet. It sounds like things are really coming together and we are so happy for you!

    We miss you tons and hope to connect this week on skype. Also, we have started poking around on the internet and are interested in coming to visit around Easter...

    Ty, let me know if you learn how to make sushi ;)

    Love you both,


  7. I love your house. It looks a lot like my apt. in Tanzania, only more colorful. I too fell in love with the coke bottle system.

    Chris and I are still looking to see when we can come. Hopefully April/May. Any idea when in May you're heading back to the states?

    Love you both!

    PS - Your monster is coming soon. I've been in Alabama without internet all week, but hang tight!
