Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Finally Settled - Puerto Viejo

This week we post good news! Puerto Viejo will be our home here in Costa Rica, at least for the next month. Before we expose any more though, let’s catch up. The past week has been much more than we expected or hoped. The first couple of days, we treated Puerto Viejo like the past few towns we had visited. But after a few days, we found ourselves not wanting to leave, not ready to move on. The weather has been perfect: no rain besides last night, and not unbearably hot (particularly because the beach is a hop and a skip away). The Caribbean side is much different from the rest of Costa Rica. It is much more diverse here, and the vibes are a bit more relaxed. While it is touristy (making it expensive), we are very comfortable and feel like we are living the dream more than ever.  Imagine being a minute walk from a screensaver quality beach.  Yeah, that’s right, the beige sand, clear then green then blue faded water kind of screensaver.  That is where we are.

Save that screen
North side of Puerto Viejo
Besides walking, people here generally get around by riding bikes with baskets in front.  We have rented bikes twice now.  Once on the second day to ride around town a bit, and then again 2 days ago to ride the 15 km (about 10 miles) south to Manzanillo.  The ride is on an easy paved road for the most part, but along the way there are three other beaches to check out: Playa Cocles, Playa Chiquita, and Punta Uva.  Both Punta Uva and Manzanillo are ranked among the top beaches in Costa Rica.
Bikes on the beach in Puerto Viejo
Punta Uva beach

It has been pretty easy here to lose track of time on the beaches and in the water.  For example, a couple Austrian guys staying in our hostel sadly realized the date today, and that they would need to move on soon. We have been pretty lazy, and intimidated to seriously start the job hunt.

Yesterday, however, we decided it was time. We walked around looking and asking for a while, but were out of luck. Everyone says what we would expect: that it is the low season, and no jobs will be available for at least a month or two. Discouraged, we gave up somewhat early, and decided that another day we would give it a shot. Last night before dinner, Ju randomly chose to call a couple more places and ask about jobs. The first hotel/restaurant/resort she called was interested in interviewing her! After Ju’s interview, we were invited to stay for drinks (ladies night too). As it turns out, that was as much a part of the interview, to see how we (especially Ju) got along with the staff on location. At the end of the night the boss said he would call the next day. This morning, we woke up to a glorious phone call, inviting Julianna to work immediately (aka tomorrow), and full time! In addition, we officially paid rent for 1 month at a cute house around the corner from our hostel. We will be living in a guest house, more or less, of an old Jamaican couple. They are very warm, and we are excited to develop a friendship with them. We also LOVE their accents.

So yeah, our home is beginning to take shape, and we are much more optimistic about the whole experience abroad now. We will of course need to stay disciplined with Spanish, spending, and safety, and Tyler needs to find a job. For now, Ju will be Ty’s sugar mama.

Our own twist on Tacos al Pastor
Thanks for stopping by, we will continue to keep you updated. We love you and miss you. Not to rub it in…but we’re off to the beach. Hasta luego amigos. Peace and love,

MaeTy and Durazna


  1. JU GOT A JOB?! Yes!! I know you guys are thrilled. I have this great mental picture of you two, your little house with your new Jamaican friends really close to the beach and let me tell you, it's adorable. I love and miss you both SO much so you should send me another monster email soon.

  2. just did :) I'm very excited about the job!!! a little nervous...

    our Jamaican friends are what's adorable, let me tell you. And the woman makes homemade ice cream. I'm hoping we get to taste some. mmmmmmmmm :)

  3. When you mentioned the Jamaican couple, all I can think of is "Cool Runnings"...

    Congrats on the job Ju, I got your e-mail and will send another monster one soon. Can't wait to see house pics!

  4. Whooo Ju!!! bring home that bacon! Ty, nothing wrong with being a kept man either... hehe. Glad things are settling down a bit, yet are exciting as ever.....good, good times.

  5. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ju I am SUPER excited for you!!!! I am sure you will have a blast getting to chat with people all day---great way to keep up your spanish!! I am sooo excited about y'alls little house and can't wait to see pics!! Ju be looking for an email soon--lots to tell you! MISS and LOVE you both! Enjoy the beach :)


  6. Hey guys!

    So happy that you found a great place to stay, an awesome little house, new friends, and that Ju got a job! Hooray!!!

    Looks like things are panning out nicely!

    We love you guys, and hope we can skype soon! Let's set up a skype date!

    Dani & Jay
