Sunday, November 7, 2010

Seafood Fricase and Filet Mignon

Hello Hello!

So here's the latest on the job front: Ty finished training for his job on Wednesday and is now an official employee at his restaurant!  And Ju, has moved to part time until she will be a waitress at the restaurant she was initially hired to work for.  This makes her so much happier since, instead of getting home at 5:30 (after dark here on the equator), she gets home at about 1:15, in perfect time for some beach if it is sunny outside :)

Halloween here was pretty much non-existent.  If anything, it was maybe a bit more crowded at one of the bars on the main street, not that we'd know though since we rarely get to go out.  There was supposed to be some costume contest, but it is very possible we missed it, because we didn't end up heading out until close to 11 since Ty didn't finish work until 10 that evening.  So we really didn't get much of a Halloween.  We'd love to hear about what you all were and see some pictures!

November 2nd was a special day for us as we celebrated 3 years of being together :)  We both had work in the morning, but celebrated by heading to the beach, watching Grey's Anatomy (this season is SO good!) and eating a phenomenal dinner.  Ty surprised Ju with some flowers he picked from the garden at the restaurant he works at in the afternoon, bought her this dress she was eyeing from a local designer, and fed her cravings for milanos, which he picked up for her from the local grocery store.  We don't usually get to treat ourselves with American brand cookies since they are a tad expensive here.  In return, Ju treated Ty to the best meal we have had since arriving in Costa Rica at this place called The Beach Hut.  We intended to take a picture of our meal, but after trying one bite, got so distracted by how good it was, forgot all about taking a photo.  In fact, we forgot about everything else, and literally spent the entire dinner discussing the food.  We wish we were kidding.  The food was amazing and the staff was very accommodating.  Afterwards, we headed back to re-watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy and munch on those delicious milanos.  It was a wonderful day.

Ju's new dress and beautiful handpicked flowers
Ju got crafty and made Ty a pop-up card, which he totally wasn't expecting here in Costa Rica without my supplies
At dinner
Demonstrating how delicious Ju finds Milanos
Oh, by the way, you might note that Ty's beard is a little out of control (at least according to Ju).  Well, and this is for you Kellen, Ty participated in Beardtober this October (an old college tradition).  Thankfully, it is now gone.

The weather here has become a bit overcast, and we've been told that November usually brings a fair amount of rain, although it rains mainly during the night.  The weather all over Costa Rica has been a bit rainy and a state of national emergency was declared in Costa Rica.  There have been a couple of landslides, particularly near San Jose, as a result of the heavy rains.  Some major highways and bridges were also destroyed last week.  We hope the weather clears up soon!

We are starting to get a bit more clever with our meals and are experimenting a bit more.  It is a little bit difficult to be super adventurous since we are limited without an oven and with fewer ingredients that we are accustomed to having in the US...
One of our more recent creations, using left over arroz con pollo to make mini burritos/tacos
  We also try to treat ourselves every once in a while for being so good at not spending tons of money since we've been here.  Last night, for example, we found a wine on sale and rented a movie from a movie rental place we found in town. We tried to find a funny, light-hearted movie, and ended up with a kind of weird and disturbing one.  It was still a nice evening though :)

Ty, beardless, with wine and our movie
We really appreciate the comments we got last week, it was so great to hear a little bit from all of you and to hear that you like our house!  We also want to say welcome to our new followers, P-Nasty and Su! We love and miss you guys...

Pura Vida
Ty and Ju

p.s- the title of our blog is what we ordered for dinner :)

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