Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well Good Evening,

So today we sort of decided that we were going to sleep in.  It had been raining all night and it was still raining when we woke up at 8:15, then 9:30, then 10....

So at around 10 Ju decided she was going to go to the bathroom.  Well imagine her surprise when the first step she takes into the kitchen makes a splash!  Yup, that's right, a splash.  That was when we realized that our house had begun to leak.  Soon afterwards, we found a leak in our bedroom as well.  And rather quickly the water rushed in and our entire house was flooded! Our kitchen and bathroom took on the most amount of water.

As a result, this evening, we will be staying at our favorite hostel in town :)  Even though we are sad our home is flooded, it is nice to have to stay somewhere new.  It is fun and feels luxurious.

Ju's restaurant got flooded as well so she got to come home from work early.  It was weird to be working in about 3-4 inches of water, Ju has never had an experience like that.  In any case, we figured we'd enjoy our evening in "luxury" with a nice (cheap) bottle of wine and some desserts.  We'll post pics of our house either tomorrow or the day after.  It is sort of unclear what is going to happen since it is supposed to rain until Friday!  We are hoping for the best.

Ty and Ju

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys!!!I hope that yall are back in your house and that things are drying up. It seems like the rain was a great opportunity for yall to spend some time relaxing together--always important!! I am sooooo excited to come visit--I miss you both!!! I saw an article on yahoo about the ten best places to travel in 2011...Puerto Viejo was on the list!!!! Here is the link--
    I hope that work continues to go well!! Love you both!

