Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Primera Visita

Hello Everybody,

So we've missed you while we've been poor bloggers.... in any case, we have a fair amount to share.

First of all, our house is okay.  We probably should have followed up sooner and let you know that the flooding ending up stopping after about an hour, and so our house only ended up with a couple inches of water everywhere.  We were worried that during the night when the rain was really coming down that there would be more flooding, but the drainage system near our house had been cleared up and so, luckily, there wasn't that big of a clean up to do.  We did use it as an opportunity though to completely clean our house and make it feel fresh and new, which actually was really nice.  Recently, Ju also decided to add some additional creative touches to the house, as well as some holiday decoration :)

 What used to be our front yard
We've had our first official visit as well!  Ju's mom, Cynthia, came last week.  Unfortunately, it rained for most of the visit due to a tropical storm....that missed ya'll in Texas but paid us a visit.  We still were able to do a fair amount and had a wonderful time.  It was a good excuse for us to get out and about.  We took our bikes (yes we bought bikes) out to Punta Uva.  We discovered the lookout point that requires a short hike, that we had previously only heard about.  It was a really beautiful spot, with the waves crashing up against the cliff.

Cynthia got a car that Ty got to drive a fair amount
Dinner at Loco Natural.  Mmmm fish tacos!
We also ventured back to Cahuita to see the national park again.  Although we were surprised not to see monkeys, we did get to see a sloth very close up as well as a number of toucans.  We of course got to take Cynthia around Puerto Viejo, to some of our favorite spots that we haven't had the opportunity to share with anyone else yet, as well as visit some of the most delicious eateries around town.  There is some good food in Puerto Viejo, and it seemed to be one of the main highlights of the week.  Thanks for the wonderful visit mom/Cindy!

Sloth! Actually quite interesting creatures...
Note the Chacos...we all got a pair for hanukkah :)
The beach at Cahuita
It has been slow over here as tourism slows down between thanksgiving and christmas, and then hopefully picks up again on the 26th of December.  As a result of it being so slow, both Ty and Ju have been working less.  It was nice because it meant that Ju could spend the whole visit with her mom, but we are hoping that work picks up again soon.  We also hope the sun comes out soon.  There has only been one good day of sun in the past week.  We hear that this weather is fairly normal this time of year.

We'd love to hear from you and hope that this holiday season is treating you well.  Love and miss you...

Ty and Ju

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well Good Evening,

So today we sort of decided that we were going to sleep in.  It had been raining all night and it was still raining when we woke up at 8:15, then 9:30, then 10....

So at around 10 Ju decided she was going to go to the bathroom.  Well imagine her surprise when the first step she takes into the kitchen makes a splash!  Yup, that's right, a splash.  That was when we realized that our house had begun to leak.  Soon afterwards, we found a leak in our bedroom as well.  And rather quickly the water rushed in and our entire house was flooded! Our kitchen and bathroom took on the most amount of water.

As a result, this evening, we will be staying at our favorite hostel in town :)  Even though we are sad our home is flooded, it is nice to have to stay somewhere new.  It is fun and feels luxurious.

Ju's restaurant got flooded as well so she got to come home from work early.  It was weird to be working in about 3-4 inches of water, Ju has never had an experience like that.  In any case, we figured we'd enjoy our evening in "luxury" with a nice (cheap) bottle of wine and some desserts.  We'll post pics of our house either tomorrow or the day after.  It is sort of unclear what is going to happen since it is supposed to rain until Friday!  We are hoping for the best.

Ty and Ju