Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tengo Prisa Porque Me Muero de Hambre


Monday was a fun day. It was the first day of our program and the three of us started Spanish class together early in the morning. However, it wasn't long before the teacher (Edgar) noticed that our levels of proficiency are much different. Regardless, we finished the first class as a group and moved on to spanish lab, which we will continue to have together. Spanish lab is simply practice and application of what we are learning. After a super delicious lunch of arroz con camarones y pollo at the Soda Naranja, we prepared for our first day of surf.

Our longboards, with instructor  Guillermo in the background

Surfing is blast, but has proven to be exhausting and rigorous. Here we have been surfing at Playa Grande, a sand-bottom beach that takes about 45 min to walk to (which is also exhausting). The first day was the best so far, in terms of strength and the conditions. Since, the currents have been quite strong, making it difficult to even get out to the surfable waves. Julianna in particular has had trouble maintaining control of her board, as you can see by the hefty bruises on her legs.

Peach is the new nickname

Tuesday was a lot like Monday, but Taylor/Tylor/Tyler moved from Spanish 1-2 to 4, where he is riding solo in class and learning things like slang and bad words, while still improving on his conversation of course. For lab, we played Scrabble in Spanish and a guessing game with flashcards. We surfed 'till late, and walked home in mostly darkness, with a side of lightning to help illuminate our beach path. Dinner was at Chicos Bar y Restaurante with our classmate Jill, and then home to rest up.

Today was a busy busy day. Our schedule changed, with surf early in the morn. After another struggle in the vicious currents, we had a short break of 45 min to shower (MISTAKE), eat, and prepare for our spanish lab, which was a hike to nearby waterfalls. The mistake was not only showering but also our decision to wear hiking boots and sneakers, as we learned quickly that we would be battling more currents when walking through rivers. The falls were beautiful and the hike was cool (a combination of river-walking and rock-scaling), but the walk back was full of mud and rain. Another quick turnaround before our afternoon spanish classes. Tyler practiced his job interview skills, while Julianna learned the essential ser vs. estar. We ate a la cocina de Ty+Ju, and here we are, exhausted again.

Scalin' them rocks

At the falls

Thanks for stopping by, this is Ty and Ju signing out, from the rainy and beautiful and tiresome Montezuma. Hasta Luego,

P.S. The title of this post means "I am in a hurry because I am starving," a phrase we have been using a lot so far.


  1. The falls are beautiful! And surfing's harder than it looks, right!? It took the fourth trip out for me to stand up when I was in Australia. I also got way beaten up from it so I feel your bruise pain Ju!

    Glad you guys are enjoying everything so far!

  2. Em!
    It's Ju- ah thanks for being sympathetic, it hurts!
